
To Do list: interactive list

📗 Table of Contents

📖 To Do list: interactive list

interactive list In this project, you will add some functionality to your application to make it interactive. The user will also be able to mark task completion by selecting the corresponding checkbox (or undo it by unchecking the checkbox). The updated tasks list will be stored in local storage.

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Tech Stack

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Key Features

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🚀 Live Demo

Open the live-demo of the project [Project Link][]

💻 Getting Started

Getting Started

To get a local copy of this exercice, Please follow these simple example steps.

  1. Clone this repository or download the Zip folder:

  1. Navigate to the location of the folder in your machine:


  1. Press Enter to navigate to your local clone.
  2. Open terminal and run this command npm install
  3. after finishing step 5, run this command npm start to run the project
  4. for testing components, you can run: npm run test.

👥 Authors

👤 theresetuyi

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🔭 Future Features

[ ] [To do list]

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🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page


This project has been created in reference to the template created by

📝 License

This project is License licensed.